Generally Speaking

The Tempest – growth towards freedom

Three weeks tonight we open Shakespeare’s Tempest at the Alton Maltings Centre.

Me (Prospero) ‘giving’ Miranda to Ferdinand

We took some publicity pics at yesterday’s rehearsal – some for the local paper, and some for our website.

What an incredible privilege to be getting to know and performing these fabulous words. Five of us drove up to Shakespeare’s Globe on Sunday evening, parked free in the street nearby and stood right in front of the stage as ‘groundlings’ for what is still that amazing £5.00. Which must be one of the best entertainment deals anywhere in the world. We were transfixed by the superb performance, and me especially by Roger Allam‘s quite wonderful Prospero. We came back bursting with enthusiasm and inspiration for our own, so much humbler, but nonetheless valid in its own way, effort.

I am of course immersed in the play. I go through my entire part every day. I am getting quicker because I don’t have to check for accuracy so often now, but it still took me an hour and ten minutes this morning. I walk round and round the lawn in what has been, at long last, glorious sunshine. And I never tire of the beautiful words with their endlessly emerging layers of meaning.

One thing that is fascinating me is the way the language Propero uses in addressing his two servants evolves during the play; his symbolically contrasting, light and dark ‘slaves’, Ariel and Caliban. It seems to me that this aspect, which I haven’t found much commented on, is really important. He begins by treating both of them with a chilling autocracy, and sometimes with real cruelty. “Thou liest, malignant thing” he says to an abject Ariel in Act 1 Scene 2. “Thou poisonous slave, got by the devil himself upon thy wicked dam” to Caliban in the same scene.

His language to Ariel gradually softens as she (famously gender-neutral, but played by the wonderful Barbara Rayner in our production) delivers everything he asks:
Later in the long A1 S2 “Spirit, fine spirit, I’ll set thee free for this
Then in A4 When Ariel says: “Do you love me, master? No?” He replies: “Dearly, my delicate Ariel
And then at the final parting, at the very end of A5, the last words of the play apart from the Epilogue: “My Ariel, chick […] then to the elements be free, and fare thou well“.  I hope we can make this the touching moment it deserves to be.

Prospero intervenes between Caliban and Miranda, Ariel watching

What was much less obvious, at least to me, but which they brought out beautifully at The Globe on Sunday, was the final softening to Caliban. Only a page before the parting with Ariel, comes this parting with Caliban. And for the first time Prospero addresses him, not as ‘slave’, but like this:
Go, sirrah, to my cell; take with you your companions; as you look to have my pardon, trim it handsomely.
He is now a person, a ‘sirrah’. Caliban responds with a contrite determination to be wise henceforth, and all Prospero says in parting is: “Go to; away!“. It could be peremptory, unforgiving. But at the Globe, Roger Allam said this very slowly, and momentarily touched Caliban. That made all the difference, and that is how I am doing it now.

So we have this theme of growth towards freedom, culminating, of course, as its third element, in the famous Epilogue, in which Shakespeare seems to be saying his own farewell to the theatre. Freeing himself of that burden, as burden it must have been. Building on the wonderful ‘cloud capped towers’ speech A4 which makes my spine tingle to think about, let alone to actually perform. And again, very near the end, “...thence I will retire me to my Milan, where every third thought shall be my grave”.

That’s enough of me thorts for another few days. But even if nobody ever reads this, I wanted to write this down.

The surprising payoff while learning a big part for a play

I am nine weeks out from playing the part of Prospero in Alton Fringe Theatre‘s production of Shakespeare’s The Tempest. And I want to write about the surprising fact that learning a part like this is far from being the miserable slog that most people expect it to be. And, even more surprising, that it is possible for someone like me, who was particularly bad at memorizing almost anything at school, to do it at all !

Years ago Edward de Bono, he who coined the expression lateral thinking, pointed out that surprise is a sure sign that you have spotted something which conflicts with your existing picture of how the world is. And – assuming your observation is correct, as I have no doubt in this case it is – it must mean there is something in your understanding of the world that you need to change. So here we go:

Of course these are beautiful words, and supremely worth studying and getting to know.  But I keep getting the feeling that there is more to it than that. There is this positive pleasure you get when you run through, preferably out loud, something that you have got established, perfectly, in your mind. The buzz of knowing it is right, and exactly right, is just as real as the buzz that keeps you solving crossword clues (or trying to) or getting a game of patience to come out. It is as though we are hard-wired with a reward mechanism for accurate recall of surprisingly long texts. And the only reason this fact is surprising is that, in our modern, literate culture, this is an ability we hardly ever use, except when some of us are mad enough to land ourselves with a big part in a play.

But in an ancestral, pre-literate culture, such as prevailed during all but the last, infinitesimal proportion of humanity’s evolution, the accurate memorizing of lore of all kinds – stories, poems, ballads, not to mention travel routes – must have been a vital part of our intellectual equipment. So it is not really surprising that we find we are good at this sort of thing when we allow ourselves to try. Or that we get a physical reward for doing it well. Because it stands to reason that until the modern era this was a human need which was  just as vital for our success as a species as others for which nature has bequeathed us the built-in payoffs we know so well.

Ye elves of hills, brooks, standing lakes and groves,
and ye that on the sands with printless foot
do chase the ebbing Neptune, and do fly him
when he comes back…

That was from memory, I promise.  And I did get the wonderful payoff as I typed those words. I promise that as well. Three and a half of my 600 lines.  I’ve just checked the passage, from Act 5 Scene 1 in our script, and I did get it exactly right, punctuation and all.   I don’t know about you, but I still find that surprising.

PS  If you like this sort of thinking about thinking there’s lots of it in my first book, The Paradox of Progress